Recent News

REHAB Hospital of the Pacific Celebrates 70 Years of Serving Hawaii's Community
Throughout the year, the Rehabilitation Hospital of the Pacific (REHAB), is celebrating 70 years of helping thousands of individuals in Hawaii and throughout the Pacific Rim dealing...

Rehab Hospital Of The Pacific To Hold Hiring Fair On August 31 At Nuuanu Location
REHAB, Hawaii’s only acute-care rehabilitation hospital will be holding a hiring fair at its Nuuanu campus. All are welcome to attend to apply for opportunities for rewarding clinical and non-clinical careers on August 31 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Join REHAB for Adaptive Cycling on July 30, 2023
On Sunday, July 30, 2023, REHAB Hospital of the Pacific, the VA Pacific Islands Health Care System and Adaptive Adventures will be holding an adaptive cycling event on the Diamond Head side of Kapiolani Regional Park (near the tennis...

REHAB Hospital of the Pacific Announces Promotion of Three Members of Its Leadership Team
REHAB Hospital of the Pacific (REHAB) has announced the promotion of three members of their leadership team, Wendy Manuel, Aeri Tilker and Andrew Davey that will further improve operations of the hospital and benefit patients.